A Pale Version of What I Intended to Communicate, powder coated brass, 2015
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing of a pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system,
two framed silver gelatin prints

More information click here.
8:42 Excerpt from Every movement does have a background, but every background is potentially useless, two-channel HD video, 13:04 looped, 2013-14,

Installation view

[three of] nine silver gelatin prints, 16x18" each

Background (Climacophobia)
silver gelatin print, 16x20"

Valet, reclaimed teak, grey glass, pedastal

More information and additional video excerpt click here.
A theater performance at The Kitchen in collaboration with Luke Stettner. Featuring Jim Fletcher (Actor), Christina Campanella (Voice), with sound design by George Monteleone. 28 Minutes.
Curated by Lumi Tan.
4:16 excerpt
Performance images

Bomb Interview click here.

Ten prompts
silver gelatin print, 16x18 inches

Installation view with desk, The Kitchen